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«Two steps ahead,one step behind», it’s called the ‘Bafia dance’; one of the most stylish traditional dances of Cameroon.

I t’s not just a traditional dance but also an endearing cultural identity to the Mbam’s community. In the past, to seduce a woman, a man had to perform a series of movements full of virility and soupleness to portray himself as strong,  hardworking and loving. And in return, if the woman was carried away by the moves, she will also stage very sensual and flexible movements in approval. 

Whereas, if the dance was a confrontation between two men, it became a scene of intimidation. Each of them will want to prove his worth in order to gain the respect of the people( Source Auletech). The Mbam’Art festival is organised every February to appreciate and share the Mbam culture.

The Mbam situated in the Centre region of Cameroon is made up of two sub-divisions; the Mbam-et-Inoubou, the Mbam-et-Kim with Bafia and Ntui as the respective headquarters.

Good to know

The Expression «to stage the Bafia dance» has become a normal palance in the Cameroonian jargon, it refers to a person who constantly changes ideas, a project trampling on the same spot. It simply means « advancing reluctantly».

Made up of the Bafia, the Banen, the Yambassa, the Tikar and the Babouté as the native community… Also, due to its fertile soils favoured by River Sanaga, the longest river in Cameroon (912km); it has equally attracted other traditional clans like the Etons, the Bassas and the Bamilekes in this sub division

Thus rendering the region appropriate for agriculture, with a diversified wildlife and different religions peacefully cohabiting. If you once visit that part of the country, don’t forget to have a taste of their delicious traditional dishes namely; Bitosso, Kedian and Gbarak.

About The Author


Ambena ndono Emilie clarisse, CEO SID ( South ID or Identités Sid), an agency specialised in public Relations and Magazine director of "Made in Cameroon". Holder of a Masters in Entrepreneurship ; her passion for reading, travelling, music andabove all her love for Cameroon are beyong doubt.



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