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BILOA NGAH RODOLPH, An innovation at the service of education ; an engineer who makes you derive pleasure in doing your assignments…

BILOA NGAH RODOLPH, An innovation at the service of education ; an engineer who makes you derive pleasure in doing your assignments…

In few lines, tell us who is Mr Biloa ?

Biloa Ngah Rodolph is a 25 years old Cameroonian, a design engineer in industrial robotics specialised in Robotic Vision and Intelligent Systems; has passion for industrial, electronic and computer system designs..

How did the brand BNRCOMPANY originate ?

BNRcompany was born of my dynamism and passion for embedded electronic and computer systems (in 2015). Today, it’s a digitial and engineering company specialised in the digitalization of companies’ internal and external processes. It is made up of young multidisciplinary engineers, highly qualified with strong determination and great professionalism.

In few words, can you elaborate on the concept virtual laboratory??

E-InterActive or virtual laboratory is a proposed solution by BNR COMPANY to bridge the existing gap between theory and practical in schools without the necessary equipment’s to carry out experiments.
E-interactive helps teachers to better utilise existing information and enable students to better carry out their experiments in order to better assimilate the fundamental concepts they are learning.

What’s its benefit to children?

E-interactive offers powerful simulations in the form of interactive contents in the following s u b j e c t s : Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry- Human Biology-Biology. E-interactive helps to establish all forms of interactive contents in all subjects; thus making it an innovative proposed solution by BNR COMPANY in the educational sector of Cameroon..

What are your visions as an entrepreneur ?

My vision is to become the leader in the digital evolution of sectors such as education, health, trade, housing and industries in Cameroon.

What are the challenges faced since the inception of your company?

Using owned funds, my main challenge was lack of finances to develop our solutions. Moreover, collaboration with big companies is not always what we expected to be. .

Despite the challenges, I am still determined because it’s always a passion, joy and pleasure to do what we love and aspired since childhood.

Did you ever feel as giving up?

No! Despite the challenges, I am still determined because it’s always a passion, joy and pleasure to do what we love and aspired since childhood.

What motivates you personally?

My determination and optimism to achieve desired results.

What do you think is the prime factor for the success of a company?

It’s interconnection and your relationship with your team; human factor is the key in every company.

Quizz MIC: What’s your favorite meal, city, your role model, where will you be in five(5) years?

My favorite meal is ‘Okok’ of the Yambassa people made with a lot of beef and fish.
Douala is my favorite city.
My role model is Steve Job (founder of Apple).
In five (5) years, I would like to implement companies digital evolution all over Cameroon and if possible in sub-regions.

About The Author


Ambena ndono Emilie clarisse, CEO SID ( South ID or Identités Sid), an agency specialised in public Relations and Magazine director of "Made in Cameroon". Holder of a Masters in Entrepreneurship ; her passion for reading, travelling, music andabove all her love for Cameroon are beyong doubt.



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