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Massage in 5 questions

Massage in 5 questions
  1. What is massage?

Stretching muscles, mobilizing the joints, kneading the sore points is the oldest art of healing. It is neither comfort nor luxury, it is a necessity. Its short-term virtues are proven. To be massaged is to take care of oneself.

  1. Why be massaged? ?

Massaging is a wonderful anti stress, it soothes headaches, and digestive disorders, stimulates the immune system and blood circulation. Once released from tensions, the body can defend itself, and better withstand stress triggers, or accelerators of several pathologies. Some massages are able to unveil repressed emotions, physical and psychic tensions.

  1. Who can do the massages?

A physiotherapist because he has a mastery of the human anatomy, or any expert and warm hands of a masseur. Trust your feelings.

  1. With what can you massage?

An adapted massage table, with a hole to protect the cervical, massage oils or essential oils for their healing properties.  Pay attention to machines, the body is highly sensible.

  1. What are the contraindications?

Falsely dispensed a massage may be catastrophic. Pay attention to allergies, do not massage if you have open wounds or burns, phlebitis, or breast cancer because the metastases can spread.

About The Author


Ambena ndono Emilie clarisse, CEO SID ( South ID or Identités Sid), an agency specialised in public Relations and Magazine director of "Made in Cameroon". Holder of a Masters in Entrepreneurship ; her passion for reading, travelling, music andabove all her love for Cameroon are beyong doubt.

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